The importance of Debugging


2 min read

The importance of Debugging

Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

Debugging is the process of finding syntax errors hidden in the code. The error found refers to bugs and the developer need to remove the bug. The process of finding errors is time-consuming and tedious. There are countless types of debugging. To help you gain more understanding, I have outlined a few bugs.

1. Run-time Error

A different version of files or dependencies will give the impact for run time error. To get rid of the error, it is important to check the git historical record before updating the file. And the operating system of one pc might not be aligned with his/her fellow PC dependencies or runtime software.

2. Syntax Error

The error usually has a line code typo. To illustrate, a semi-colon missing will have an impact while compiling the entire data. A compiler usually can detect unusual behavior in the system by sending the message in the output of the code editor. Some even give suggestions on how to fix the debugging tools.

3. Logic Error

The issues occurred when the developer has misplaced two different types of numbers (ie. number versus string). The logic errors usually can be solved easily as the notice of error message displayed on the output part.

Debugging Process

  1. Checking the historical branch record in the git repositories
  2. Describe the bug using a hint for the code editor
  3. Analyse the snapshot based on the state and action
  4. Fix the bug, and make code references/documentation including solutions so that future developers know how to solve it once another similar error occurs.

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