Why do we use Git?

Why do we use Git?


2 min read

(Photo by RealToughCandy.com)

Git is a software platform used by developers for collaboration. The idea of Git is to keep track of any changes made in the existing file, data, or images. It allows many users to collaborate on those files at the same time. And each user can work independently before submitting to the admin for compiling and auditing. Git is a Distributed Version Control and it supports distributed non-linear workflow for developing program software.

Git Features

  1. Open Source. Git is under GPL (General Public License). So it's not required to spend money to utilize it. And you have full control to modify the source code based on your requirement.

  2. Fast Connection. The core foundation of Git is written in C language, to avoid runtime above with other programming languages. In terms of performance, it has a faster fetching capability compared to other version control systems.

  3. Secure. Git uses the Secure Hash Function (SHA1) to give names and identify objects saved within the depository. Each committed file is checked and stored as a unique identity for easy reference.

  4. Easily to manage and distribute. Doing the project with different functionalities, maintenance or creating a new feature at the same time is not easy, with Git, it enables each developer in the project to develop their branch working environment to work and submit the codebase by merging into master for admin to check.

Companies & Projects Using Git

By taking advantage of Git, many big companies like Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter, LinkedIn, Perl, and PostgreSQL have used Git for their code utilization tools

Basic Git Command

git init

It initializes the new project after creating new repositories.

git clone

It duplicates the local PC folder that exists remotely. The clone includes all the project files including images, video clips, soundtrack, branches, history, and new files.

git commit

It saves the project index and history for future references.

git status

It shows the status of new changes, modified, or staged files.

git branch

It displays the selected branch/folder that the developer is currently working

git push

It pushes the existing file into the cloud storage and updates from remote storage.

git merge

It merged all contributed files into one master file.

To read complete guidance on how git can help your project, you may refer to the documentation : Git

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